Payday loan lenders are not your best friends. They are businesses which offer high interest loans to those with bad or thin credit. The transaction is fast and borrowers will have quick money, but they also have short term limits to pay it back. You will be expected to pay off the loan plus fees within a few short weeks.
There is a difference in borrowing from a business than from a friend. Both offer fast opportunities to quick cash and can also bring pricey consequences.
When you sign a contract with a business for a loan of any kind, you are expected to pay the money back on set terms. Everything is put in writing from how long before payments expected to how much you will be charged in interest. Whether you are getting a loan from a bank, credit union title loan or from a payday loan online there will be fine print you should read and understand before the contract is complete.
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Take the time to read and ask any questions of the lender so you are fully informed before the loan contract is complete. It is important that the lender you are working with takes the time to explain how interest is applied, what the fees are, and all payment options. If your lender will penalize you for paying your loan early, you may want to keep shopping for one who does not. Even though you may plan on paying it as contracted, it is always good to understand what will happen if you cannot and how rates or amounts may change because of it.
Most lenders will have no problems allowing you to keep the money out for longer than the term limit as long as you keep paying the interest each payment. Once this amount is missed and your loan is goes into default, there are new financial problems which will be created. Mainly the big problem with credit score. Even a payday loan lender will sell a defaulted loan off to a collector and your loan will then show up on your credit report. Direct payday loan lenders deal with no credit check loans and the loan is not reported to the credit bureau by the lender. The debt collector will report it as defaulted debt if you choose not to pay.
Borrowing money from a friend or a family member will most likely not involve a contract, or at least not one with fine print. Most often, these loans will not have interest or fees attached, but some people will if they lend money often. The term limit will most likely be a bit more flexible without immediate monetary consequences. If you get paid on a Tuesday, but get them the money on Friday, you will not have a late fee attached.
The sticky part with borrowing money from loved ones is that a loan in default could potentially be the end of the relationship. It definitely will put a damper on things if anything else. Tension at gatherings is a steep price to pay for not following the terms of your loan agreement.
Using a payday loan lender for your fast money transactions are a much better solution which will keep family or friend problems out of the equation. There are some fees worth paying to keep relationships strong and healthy.
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